“They have given my dad a 2nd chance at life”

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Dear Donor Family,

I am the son of one of your recipients. I wanted to start off by offering my condolences for your loss of your family member. They did an amazing and selfless last act and have changed the lives of many families that were in need. I initially donated to my dad but unfortunately my liver experienced complications in him and he needed to have another transplant. Obviously, I was devastated and worried if he would get another liver in time that would work for him. Your son or daughter saved my dad and my family couldn’t be more grateful. I just hate that it came at your families expense. Just know that they are a hero to many families and they will never be forgotten. They have given my dad a 2nd chance at life. My parents are set to become grandparents for the first time with my sisters baby sometime in March. Then my baby will be here in July. My Dad is an amazing father with both of us and I am eternally grateful that I get to watch him be an amazing grandfather to both of our kids. Me and my wife are not finding out the gender of our baby till it is born and we were wondering what your son or daughters name is? We would be honored to have their name carry on in our family. Again, I want to offer my condolences to you and your family during this tragic time. My family cannot say thank you enough and we hope to meet you and get know know the person who gave our family such an amazing gift.

Much Love,