“Words can never express how truly grateful our family is to you and your loved one for giving the gift of life to my husband who was in need of a liver”

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To the Family of the Donor who gifted their life-saving liver,

Words can never express how truly grateful our family is to you and your loved one for giving the gift of life to my husband who was in need of a liver.

My husband M is 53 years old, works in the auto industry, loves sports teams, his family, and his Mustang. We have been married for 32 years but have know each other since we were 15, and have a son (32), daughter (28), and a furbaby. M recently developed liver disease and liver cancer last year and has had to go to the hospital once a week for a procedure to drain the fluid from his stomach due to his liver not functioning properly. Although, he continued to work, the illness was taking a toll on him and he was not experiencing a good quality of life. Our Son decided he would donate part of his liver to prolong my husband’s life, and after months of determining if he was a match or not, we got the green light to move ahead with the transplant. Unfortunately, immediately following the surgery my husband developed a blood clot in the liver donated by my son, and we had only weeks to find him a new liver so he would survive. A few days later the doctors notified us that a family who lost their young adult child, chose to donate their organs and that they were a match for my husband.

Please know that it is not lost on us that you and your family are grieving the loss of your family member during the time you provided our family with hope. We have prayed for your child and for your family every day since receiving the gift of a liver for my husband, and seeing him miraculously get stronger every day since the transplant.

My husband and I are expecting our first grandbabies in the next few months (one from our daughter, and one from our son). When he became ill, I never allowed myself to think about being a grandparent without him by my side. He is a very loving, kind, and patient man, and I always dreamt of the day of seeing him hold his grandchildren. Thanks to you and your loved one, I will get to see my dream become a reality.

As parents ourselves, we can only imagine what a difficult time this is for you and your family, and our hearts go out to you! We would like to honor your child and continue praying for him/her and your family. If you are comfortable contacting us back with your child’s name, and sharing a little bit about them with us, we would love to share their story with the rest of our family and future grandchildren, as they are now an important part of our lives moving forward.

Your generosity and kindness will never be forgotten! At a time when you have had to endure so much sadness in your life, you have given hope and a 2nd chance to our family and to others.

I found this quote recently and it reflects how we feel about you and your loved one:

“You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

A million “Thank you’s” can never express how truly grateful we are! We would love to hear back from you and learn more about your family if you are open to that. Otherwise, we wish you comfort, peace, and send prayers for healing to your family. You have blessed our family with a beautiful gift of life and we are forever grateful!

M and family