“Your dear one’s gift of life made the biggest of differences”
Dear Donor Family,
I’m writing this letter to express my sincerest gratitude for the gift of life that your loved one granted me. I am truly sorry for your family in this time of loss. Please know that the donation has provided my family a renewed faith in human compassion.
The gift of life given me has allowed me and my family to continue in pursuit of my chosen life-path. I am an honorably discharged U.S. Marine veteran, Viet Nam era. I have since that time worked in a factory, retiring after 23 years and then returning to school to become a registered alcohol and drug abuse counselor. I work with PTSD combat vets primarily and specialize in working with those who have anger management issues. I am also the father of 4 adult children and grandfather to 9 (at last count) healthy, happy grandkids. … Read more »