“Why six years later? I’ve bought many cards to mail out, and each time I would get a pen and paper I would break down and cry”

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Dear Family,

I am writing this letter because six years ago your family member gave me the opportunity to live again! And with each breath I’ve taken its been with the help of your lost one. I am truly sorry for your loss. And there is not a day that goes by in which I as well as my family do not pray to the Lord for him/her—as well as for you and your family!

I lost the function of my kidneys due to battling with diabetes for over 30 years. Once I had my kidney transplant, I was given another opportunity to live my life normally and to be thankful for the smallest things in this world, for which I am forever grateful.

With the blessing of my kidney transplant I’ve had the privilege to walk two of my daughters down the aisle for their wedding day, something I thought I would never be able to see! Thank you!!! I have had the privilege of meeting 5 grand kids and watching the other two grow.

You might wonder why now? Why six years later? The reason is that I’ve bought many cards to mail out, and each time I would get a pen and paper I would break down and cry. You don’t know how grateful I am and always will be for the gift of my kidney transplant. My family and I will be grateful for an eternity!!!

Yours truly,
