“Before I took life for granted, now I realized how very precious life is.”

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My dear Donor Family,

I am so sorry for your recent bereavement. The loss of a son, father, brother, husband, and grandfather in the prime of life is so very hard to bear. I empathize with you in your pain and sorrow. But what a truly wonderful gift he left as his living legacy towards us organ transplant recipients. I will never forget the date of my transplant as my re-birthday. I was sitting at lunch with my caregiver, who just flown in the night before, when I got a call from one of the UCSF transplant coordinators, asking if I could be a back-up recipient, I immediately said “yes,” since I felt a special tingle at mass that morning, hinting that something special would happen that day. The transplant coordinator called back two hours later and approved my admission to the hospital! I was ecstatic since I had been on the UNOS network organ donation list on and off for almost ten years. During that time I received hemodialysis, three times a week in-center, while it wasn’t the most terrible of procedures, it changed my lifestyle drastically, and in some ways changed it for better. Before I took life for granted, now I realized how very precious life is and how little time we really have to spread goodness and kindness in the world.

I received your loved one’s kidney in a transplant procedure starting at 10:00pm that Sunday that lasted until 1:30 the following Monday morning. When I woke up, it was truly like being reborn anew. The feeling was strange and wondrous, is this how this feels to be a organ recipient? I am truly awed and grateful for this gift; He truly moves in His own time and in mysterious ways unknown to us. My family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this unprecedented act of kindness and charity. I have included your loved one in my evening prayers, may he reach t he fulfillment of paradise quickly and reside among the better angels. You all are truly part of my family. Much love and peace to everyone, and please take care of yourselves and above all be safe.

Love, hugs & condolences,
Sincerely yours,